Sunday, January 14, 2007

Thread of Stories

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1 comment:

Five of Diamonds said...

It was really hot last summer. Way hot. I remember going downstairs from my office in Midtown Manhattan to get lunch at the deli next door and being quite shocked at how hot it was. You could tell others felt the same way simply by looking at their faces, but nobody was talking about the heat, like a big, hot elephant in the room. This was the first time I noticed that global waming was effecting my everyday life.

I saw a show on the National Geographic Channel (I think) about the Great Barrier Reef. A certain species of Starfish is devouring the reef at a stunning rate. They’ve actually started teams of divers to spend hours underwater killing them with poison, trying to stem the irreversible damage to the ecosystem. They’re not able to stop it. Apparently, the warming of the ocean has influenced the breeding patters of the animal such that they are in abundance for many more months than they were before, thus there are many more of them to eat. The reef can’t sustain the surge in population. I remember feeling worried because, as I understand it, the Reef is responsible for converting a great deal of carbon dioxide to the breathable oxygen on the Earth.

More recently, I had to cancel a ski trip planned for the Pocconos. I love skiing, and it was a disappointment that I couldn’t go because the mountain simply didn’t have enough snow. Then, I read an article about how the ski industry is suffering this season for the very same reason. Jokingly, I told my friends "maybe there will be more attention paid to global warming now that ski trips are being cancelled."